04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
2020 Customer Churn Prediction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Matthew Paramithis
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
Join us on Tuesday, April 26th for the Celebration of Student Achievement. Throughout the day, students will present their work in papers, posters, video, panels, visual/ literary/ digital/ performing arts presentations and exhibitions, and other forms of scholarly or creative activity.
A reception will be held at the conclusion of the presentations on Sundial Lawn (rain location: Education 212) from 5 – 6 p.m.
Presentation Topic: The value of undergraduate creative and scholarly work
Time: 11:15 a.m.
Location: Mayo Concert Hall
Brian Bridges, Ph.D., currently serves as Secretary of Higher Education for the state of New Jersey, a role he began on November 16, 2020 as part of Governor Phil Murphy’s administration.
As Secretary, Bridges is responsible for policy development and coordination of higher education activities for the state, including supporting institutions amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He also coordinates initiatives to improve college affordability in New Jersey through the State Plan for Higher Education and enhance postsecondary opportunities while promoting equity and access for all through programs such as the state’s Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG). Read More
Please use the tabs below to navigate through the day’s sessions. Use the search bar to browse for an individual student, presentation title, or use the filter options to navigate by topic. Please note, students marked with an asterisk will make multiple presentations.
View an abridged schedule of events here.
Please note: Some details may change before the event.
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
2020 Customer Churn Prediction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Matthew Paramithis
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
A Crusade Against Political Homophobia: The Queer Fight For Rights in Tunisia - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jordan Ekstrom
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 303
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Addressing Accessibility on Social Media for D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Abby Auger
Mentor(s): Judi Cook
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 201
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Against Illusions and Reality: Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Thomas Camilli
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Alexander Polynomial and It’s Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Daniel Simone
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
An Examination of the Four Day Work Week: A Comparative Analysis of its Effects on the Icelandic and Norwegian Economies - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Jonathan Peters
Mentor(s): Subarna Samanta
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
An In-depth Look at the Cellular Automata Model - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sofia Stepanoff*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
An Iterative Approach to Rapid Prototyping Filament Selection - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Veronica Angiuli
Mentor(s): Brett RatnerManuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Analysis of the Fisher-Kolmogorov Equation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Maya Williams*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Analyzing Anime Data from Myanimelist Users - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Tushar Warrior
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Arabidopsis thaliana metabolizes indole-3-carbinol to avoid its effects on plant growth - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Maria Mathew
Mentor(s): Melkamu Woldemariam
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO495-07
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Assessing Seismic Hazard in Jamaica - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Colin Beyers
Mentor(s): Shannon Graham
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Base Metal Catalysts for CO2 Functionalization - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Zachary Vazquez*
Mentor(s): Abby O'Connor
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-05
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Bent Out of Shape: Topological Perspectives on Music Theory - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lillian Hoffman
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Can I See Your ID? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Kimberly Jarquin*
Mentor(s): Samuel Kanig
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Cayley-Dickson Construction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jenna Glickman
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Continued fractions and tangles - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Daniel Santangelo
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
COVID-19 Vaccination and case forecasting - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sergio Caputo
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Descriptive Study of National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Calls from January 1, 2016, to October 20, 2019 - Paper
Bliss 145
Presenter(s): Harish Rajagopal*
Mentor(s): Joanna Herres
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: PSY 492-10
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Differences in Performance Between High and Low Rated Chess Players - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nicholas DiMaggio
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Does privilege awareness affect women’s evaluation of ally men? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Larissa Boughton*
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 299
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Duality: Two is Better Than One - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Megan Kubinski
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Effects of social-identity on athletic performance - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Sameerah Khan*
Mentor(s): Jason Dahling
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Electroacoustic Amplification Systems - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Nicole Jacoby
Mentor(s): Lynn Smith
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SLP 391
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Ending Occupation and LGBTQ+ Discrimination: The Dual Goals of the Palestinian Queer Community - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Cameron Keating
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 303
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Estamos Listas: The First Gender-Based Activist Movement in Colombia - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Maya Hendl*
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 303-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Euler’s Characteristic with Map Coloring Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Victoria Blankenbiller
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Examining Grief in Contemporary Art from a Global Perspective - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Ren MacLean*
Mentor(s): Deborah Hutton
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAH 499
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Feminine Mistake: A Poetry Collection - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Alexia Guzman*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Fetus Health Classification - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sean Nicklas
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Financial Standings and the Effect on Depression Rates in Kenyan Farmers - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Cally Kerrigan
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Game Theory with Imperfect Information - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Miruna Baciu*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Game Theory: Zero-Sum Games - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Emma Bobo
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Globalization and Inequality in Latin America - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Alex Frigeri
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Grades and Contributing Factors - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lauren McLaughlin
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Group Poetry Reading - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Thomas Camilli, Vanessa Seidner, Brett Moran, Aidan Corson, Michael Pedowitz, Molly Coello
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Health Access for Women in Prison - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Ariana Rolon
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Hopf Bifurcation and Its Applications to Population Dynamics - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Melissa Asaro
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
In Their Socks: Virtual Reality’s Role in Improving Patient Care & Increasing Staff Empathy at Mental Health Hospitals - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Laila Isfahan, Ann-Kerry Donaus, Diana Rackowski
Mentor(s): Yifeng Hu
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 345 New Media and Health Communication
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Incarceration Based Educational Programming: A Way Forward - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Lauren Wright
Mentor(s): Margaret Leigey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Criminology
Course Number: CRI 202-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Incorporating Multicultural STEM Books for Children - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Yasmín Ruiz, Julissa Feliz
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Infant Mortality in the United States - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jenna Smith
Mentor(s): Michael OchsMichael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Influence of goal orientations on strategy selection in German vocabulary learning - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): David Cohn
Mentor(s): Lisa Grimm
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-09
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Introductory Study of The Black-Scholes Equation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Rebecca Martino
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Brookelynn Sullivan
Mentor(s): Robert McGreevey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Aidan Jodoin
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Linear Programming and Economic Optimization - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kayleigh Soucy
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms and Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Santiago Cardenas
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Mathematical Finance – Arbitrage - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jason Singleton
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem: Analysis and Algorithms - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Roseann Pereira
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Metropark and Edison/Woodbridge Township Integration Project - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Louis Truppa, Bryce Totten, Daniel Comeau, Jospeh Cruciata
Mentor(s): Thomas BrennanVedrana Krstic
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Misinformation and Ineffectiveness of Abstinence-Only Based Education - Paper
SSB 228
Presenter(s): Tulasi Dooley
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Molly Coello: Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Molly Coello*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Nano-CT Image Processing and Micromechanical Modeling of Intermuscular Bone - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Lara Abdelmohsen*
Mentor(s): Anthony Lau
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: MUSE Program 2021
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Natures Affect on Mental Health - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Angela Pieros
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Network Flow Optimization and Solution Methods - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lauren Bell
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Non-Profit Poster - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Carley O'Rourke, Gillian Pine, Lexi Perreault
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Nonprofit - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Ginny Nason, Ginny Nason, Kaitlyn Crerand
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Nutrional Intake and Cardiovasular Health in the US - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jason Andriopoulos
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Order - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Stevie Voss
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Organic Thin Film Transistor Device Dimension Simulation Analysis - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Shwetha Raju
Mentor(s): Wudyalew Wondmagegn
School & Department: School of Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Number: N/A
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Orthographic considerations in the Japanese Language classroom - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): Christopher Mitchell*
Mentor(s): Holly Didi-Ogren
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: WLC393
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Platonic Solids – The Five Regular Polyhedra - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): John Raisley
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Aidan Corson*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CRW 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): AJ Viola*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CWR 304-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Poetry Reading - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Stevie Voss, AJ Viola
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Police Use of Lethal Force and the Murder Clearance Rate: Assessing the Importance of Police-Community Cooperation - Paper
BUS 123
Presenter(s): April Kibalo
Mentor(s): Donald VandegriftDonald Vandegrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Prison Abolition Movement - Paper
SSB 131
Presenter(s): Rayhanah Ahmed, Francis Adriatico
Mentor(s): Michele Tarter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: FYS 162-05
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Quaternions and the Special Unitary Group - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): John Mahoney*
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Returns to Education Between Generations of Immigrants - Paper
BUS 105
Presenter(s): Sofia Ebio*
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Roles of Women in Shakespeare: An Analysis of Maria - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Soorin Kim
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Romantic Narratives about Stress & Strategies Dealing with Covid-19 - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jessica O'dell
Mentor(s): Candice Feiring
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Self-Objectification and Menstrual Health - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Emma Taff*
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-01
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Senior Capstone in WGSS: Intersectional Studies of Education and Careers II. - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Destinee Stone, Giavanna Dziesiuta
Mentor(s): Janet Gray
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Singular Value Decomposition and Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): John Phelan
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Social Pressures & Women’s Health During Pregnancy - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Grace Boriotti
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Solving Diophantine Equations with Continued Fractions - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Gregory Yezhov
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Solving Optimization Problems Using the Lagrangian - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Meagan Macalintal
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Statistical Analysis of COVID-19’s Impact on Hospital Capacity - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nandini Mutyala*
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Statistical Modeling and Analysis of College Retention - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Tara Staines
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Statistics Behind Your Financial Well-Being - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Yukyeong Park*
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Stellation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Analia Acosta
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Subgradient Method - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Anthony Rondos
Mentor(s): Mathew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Superreplication in Financial Assets - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Matthew Delaney
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Supporting New Jersey Immigrants: An Analysis of the Nonprofit Capacity to Provide Immigrants Services - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Landen Lombardo, Landen Lombardo, Antigone Antonakakis, Hannah Brodsky
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317-01
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Supporting the Youth: Comparing Nonprofits in Four NJ Counties - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Janelyn Rodriguez, Joseph Bellamy, Erin Stout, Hope Walsh
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
TCNJ ASCE-AISC Steel Bridge Competition - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Michelle Andrascik, Michelle Andrascik, Matt Alves, Alec Kuncken, Elizabeth McDonald, Jake Sylvester
Mentor(s): Nabil Al-OmaishiJoseph Strafaci
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Technology’s Impact on Education - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Adriana Yunes
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
The Design of Motorized Adjustable Sneakers: An Accessible Shoe for People with Arthritis. - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Lauren Catalano
Mentor(s): Micheal CappielloManuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
The Duplex Doesn’t Know…and Other Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Vanessa Seidner
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
The Existence of Asexuality and Aromanticism - Paper
SSB 323
Presenter(s): Isha Chada
Mentor(s): Jonathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
The Impact of Colorism and Race-Related Stress on the Academic and Psychosocial Outcomes of Black College Students - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Snehi Mukkamalla*
Mentor(s): Adaurennaya Onyewuenyi
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-04
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
The Impact of Hosting The Olympics - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Jacob Blumberg
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
The Influence of Sigmund Freud on Psychology - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Bailey Ix
Mentor(s): Jonathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
The Logistic Map and Liapunov Exponents - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Erin Obermayer
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 4:30 pm
The Newton Mystery: A 2D Adventure Video Game - Other
AIMM Art Gallery
Presenter(s): Patrick Merklee, Jack Brubaker, Dalton Hutchinson, Josh Shoenfelt, Jason Sekora
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 499-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
The role of syntax in children’s acquisition of spatial language: Verbs of direction and spatial location - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Teresa Bragger
Mentor(s): Lynn Smith
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SLP 391
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Through the Stars: Poetry by Michael A. Pedowitz - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Michael Pedowitz*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Tracking Literacy Progress of Trenton Youth at After-School Program - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Donavyn Meyh
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Understanding Linking Numbers - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Stephanie Ferns
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Understanding The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) Students’ Attitudes towards The College’s Fall Covid-19 Policies Pre-Omicron* - Paper
BUS 122
Presenter(s): Emily Heiden
Mentor(s): Bozena Leven
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Using Quaternions to Show Every Natural Number is the Sum of Four Squares - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Michael Sunseri
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Utilizing Continued Fractions to Understand the Golden Ratio - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Mark Bastidas
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Virus-inspired transfection of a marine alga: Formulation of lipid-nucleic acid complexes - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Christopher Wu
Mentor(s): Donald Hirsh
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Wayside: Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Edwina Joe-Kamara*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304-01
04/26 8:45 am - 4:30 pm
“I am…” #NotYourStereotype TCNJ Asian/Asian American Pacific Islander Photo Exhibit - Other
AIMM Gallery 118
Presenter(s): Gabriella Son, Nicole Carberry, Jaime Hennig, Kelly Jung, Fox Parks, Stephanie Shen, Nicholas Textores, Bella Trucco
Mentor(s): Yifeng Hu
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 391 Independent Study
04/26 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Art Education: Lessons from Clinical Practice II - Other
AIMM Lobby
Presenter(s): Hannah Coward, Julianna DiMeola, Renee Garzillo, Nicole Krok, Julia Pfaar, Julia Rogers, Alyssa Stachura, Morgan Sebasto, Megan Ziegel
Mentor(s): Matthew Pembleton
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number:
04/26 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Jessica Rojas, Angelia Seda, Hannah Quinn , Sophia Alvarez
Mentor(s): Livia LazzaroBrenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Access to Reproductive Healthcare in Latin America: Judicial and Legislative Decision Making - Paper
SSB 103
Presenter(s): Rebecca Mazur*
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Are Salary Caps the Difference Maker in Improving Competitive Balance? - Paper
BUS 123
Presenter(s): Kamil Nienaltowski
Mentor(s): Donald Vandegrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Bonner Legacy Project - Paper
BUS 105
Presenter(s): Freddie Hayeck*
Mentor(s): Althia Muse
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Bonner Legacy Project - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Alexander Rosa
Mentor(s): Destiny Rosa
School & Department: School of Education; Educational Administration and Secondary Education
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Cannabis Legalization and Traffic Safety: Evaluating the Impact of Recreational Marijuana Legalization on Automobile Insurance Rates - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Zachary Sperling
Mentor(s): Donald Vandergrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 499
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Chernobyl and Cultural Memory - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Shawn Rowan*
Mentor(s): Cynthia Paces
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496-04
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Designing an Assay for Detection and Quantification of the Activity of the Non-Enzymatic Bacterial Metalloprotein YtfE - Paper
Bliss 228
Presenter(s): Ruhi Shah*, Zachary Ziolkowski
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Ecuador’s 2019 National Strike through Graffiti - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Camila Guayasamin
Mentor(s): alma khasawnih
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 370-02
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Effects of COVID-19 Vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Pediatric MIS-C Cases in the United States - Paper
Bliss 145
Presenter(s): Veronica Kan*
Mentor(s): Karen Gordon
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: PBH 240-02 (Fall 2021)
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Environmental Impact of Roof Alternatives on TCNJ’s Science Complex - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): EmilyAnn DeChiara
Mentor(s): Shannon Graham
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Examining the Relationship between Regime Type & Effective COVID Response - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Natalie Lamendola
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: INT 498-01
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Globalization and Civil Liberties - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Ryan Borja
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Pregnancy and Birth Among Women in the Criminal Justice System - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Kim
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Reactions to Workplace Diversity Practices - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Destiny Kenny*
Mentor(s): Jason Dahling
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-07
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Reinterpreting Resilience: A Palimpsestic Poetic Perspective of Parable of the Sower - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Abigail Alvarez
Mentor(s): Anne Peel
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: FYS 163-H1
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Representative Cases Involving Music Copyright and Inconsistencies in Verdicts - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Julia Duggan*
Mentor(s): Wayne Heisler
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Music
Course Number: MUS 494
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Resurrecting the Oriental Despot: Representations of Tipu Sultan in Colonial and Modern India - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Abhishta Tantry
Mentor(s): Satyasikha Chakraborty
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 498-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Senior Capstone in WGSS: Intersectional Studies of History and Culture II. - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Georgia Cyriax*, Abby Rosu, Rehat Singh
Mentor(s): Janet Gray
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 498-01
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Step Into My Shoes: A 3-Part Virtual Reality OCD Journey - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Sameerah Khan*, Roman Rychkov, Grace Reynoso, Roshan Patel
Mentor(s): Yifeng Hu
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communicatios; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 345 New Media and Health Communication
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
The Jersey Devil in Media - Other
Bliss 153
Presenter(s): Kira Edgar
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 280
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
William Green House Virtual Artifact Gallery - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Sapphire Srigley
Mentor(s): George Leader
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: ANT 393
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 9:15 am - 9:35 am
Woman is the Word: Teaching Life-Writing in a Maximum-Security Women’s Prison. - Paper
SSB 225
Presenter(s): Jessica Abolafia*, Supriya Mishra, Rebecca Gertvitz
Mentor(s): Michele Tarter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: ENGL 693
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
“Investigating the Lonicera caerulea species complex using natural history collections and morphometrics.” - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kesha Choksi
Mentor(s): Wendy Clement
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-02
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
A History of Convenience: Inside the “Lives” of American Girl’s Black and Indigenous Book Characters - Paper
SSB 103
Presenter(s): Lucy Fleischmann*
Mentor(s): Mekala Audain
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 393 01
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Agile Practices in the Workplace - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Megha Sehgal
Mentor(s): Jason Dahling
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-06
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Alcohol Effects on Wage - Paper
BUS 123
Presenter(s): Ryan O'Leary
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
An Analysis of the Function of zsqdA in Zebrafish Embryogenesis - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lauren Rudolph
Mentor(s): Marcia O'Connell
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
An Archaeological Investigation of the Working Farmyard in the Southeast Yard of a 18th Century New Jersey Plantation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Erin Meyer
Mentor(s): George Leader
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: ANT 493-02
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Applications of haptic controllers: undergraduate physics experiments - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Mario Gallardo
Mentor(s): Romulo Ochoa
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Arch Correction System for Flat Feet - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lara Abdelmohsen, Grace Matassa, Zindy Diaz, Anisa Lateef
Mentor(s): Christopher Wagner
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Arm Velocity, Force and Stone Tool Knapping - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Natasha Ishaq
Mentor(s): George Leader
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: ANT 393-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Gerald Madden, Emma Argenal, Frank Donato, Cristian Huertas
Mentor(s): Joseph StrafaciMichael Horst
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Assessing the Risk of Cryptosporidiosis in Dairy Farmers - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Nandini Mutyala*, Seana Cleary
Mentor(s): Alexis Mraz
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: Independent Research
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Automatic dog and water feeder - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Giovanni Belfiore
Mentor(s): Sheryl Roses
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Biomechanical Properties of Inducible Defenses in the Eastern Oyster in Response to Predator Cues - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Angela Mo
Mentor(s): Gary Dickinson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Bone Microstructural Changes in Rat Tibias exposed to Space Radiation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sabrina Vander Wiele
Mentor(s): Anthony Lau
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: MUSE Program 2021
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Bonner Student Hub - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Alyssa Sedacca, Hannah Keyes
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Breathing Responses to Hyperoxia Following Developmental Nicotine Exposure in a Serotonin Deficient Context - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sruthi Kunamneni
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 494
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Building a Professional Online Presence - Paper
SSB 226
Presenter(s): Jack Caperna
Mentor(s): Keli Fazio
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 487-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Canoe Brook Golf Course Flood Control - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Joseph Erskine, Joseph Colon, Sean Lalley
Mentor(s): Michael Horst
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
CFA Research Investment Challenge – Oshkosh OSK – Should you buy? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jacob Greene*, Eric Holder, Trevor Bell, Jerry Lin, Aaron Seward
Mentor(s): Susan Hume
School & Department: School of Business; Finance
Course Number: FIN 391-06
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Changes in FAOMeT Gene Expression in Carcinus maenas in Response to Salinity Change and Identification of FAOMeT Isoforms - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Douglas Rebbin, Julia Cueto, George Beyjoun, Luctamuelle L Joseph
Mentor(s): Donald Lovett
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 496-05
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Characterizing the Bacterial Metalloprotein YtfE using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Zachary Ziolkowski*, Ruhi Shah, Folashade Jaiyeola, Sri Manyata Peddinti
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Collaboration Across Boundaries: How Difference of Gender Affected Ones Experience - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Jenna Hart*
Mentor(s): Diane Bates
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 390-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Collaboration on Project SEA: Science, Education, and Action – Curriculum & Resources for Teachers - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Jessica Saccenti
Mentor(s): Lauren Madden
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: ELE 391
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Comparing Herbivory in Native and Invasive Honeysuckles - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Santiago Cardenas
Mentor(s): Wendy Clement
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495, independent research capstone
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Comparison of microhardness between claws and carapaces of sand fiddler crabs (Leptuca pugilator) - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Calvin Grigal*
Mentor(s): Gary Dickinson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Congo Red Assay for the Detection of Amyloid Proteins under High and Low Nitrogen in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Kevin Sajan
Mentor(s): Zaara SarwarBenjamin Lundgren
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
CYP72A349 Homology Modelling and Heterologous Expression to Test Gibberellin Inactivation - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Christian Fang
Mentor(s): Leeann Thornton
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-10
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Dead on Arrival: Memoir of a Female Lifer - Paper
SSB 131
Presenter(s): Jessica Abolafia*
Mentor(s): Michele Tarter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: ENGL 693
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Design of a Novel Extremely Wideband Cavity-backed Antenna for sub-6 GHz 5G Communication - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Nick Alvear
Mentor(s): Mahrukh Khan
School & Department: School of Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Number: summer project
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Differential Evolution Between Isolated Stickleback Populations - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lucia Castaneda
Mentor(s): Matthew Wund
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Do Police Force Demographics Impact the Propensity for Police Shootings in the U.S.? - Paper
BUS 105
Presenter(s): Cole Combates
Mentor(s): Donald Vandegrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
DVT Prevention Device - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Christian Martinez-Garcia, Lauren Cammarata, Gilberto Torres, Keniel Villanueva
Mentor(s): Constance Hall
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Effect of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface on Current Density Distributions of Deep Brain Stimulation Electrodes - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Wali Sohail*
Mentor(s): Xuefeng Wei
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 497 - 01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Ethanol Intake in Female Long-Evans Rats - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Ana Caro Del Castillo*, Gabriella Pacheco, Rebecca Kurnellas, Nataline Elmasri, Bianca Hazel, Marlena Mandic, Bernard Pereda, Andrew Velasquez, Rachel Guloy, Ella Suchora, Alison Widmer
Mentor(s): Margaret Martinetti
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-14
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Electrochemical Characterization of Reactive Fe(III)-Thiolate Intermediates - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Matthew Porowski*, Amanda Kirschner
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Electrochemical Detection of Nitric Oxide - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Dhwani Patel
Mentor(s): Rebecca Hunter
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Electronic Structure of an Iron(III) Penicillamine Complex: A Multi-Faceted DFT Analysis - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Mark O'Malley
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Environmental Inequity in Schools - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Colleen Rushnak*
Mentor(s): Marissa Bellino
School & Department: School of Education; Educational Administration and Secondary Education
Course Number: EDFN 627-01
04/26 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Event-Related Potential Evidence that Priming Interacts with Episodic Recognition Memory - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Hafsah Shaik, Anagha Kalelkar
Mentor(s): Andrew Leynes
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Exploration of Globalization in the Context of Women’s Rights and Status - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Bri Bruccoleri
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: INT 498
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Facebook and Ethnic Violence - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Jonathan Breyta
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: INT 498-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
GC Analysis of Ethanol Content in Beer - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jessica Trenholm
Mentor(s): Rebecca Hunter
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-02
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Globalization and Government led Media Manipulation in America - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Griffin Hall
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
How does entrepreneurship impact the unemployment rate? - Paper
BUS 104
Presenter(s): Christian Gladish*
Mentor(s): Subarna Samanta
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-02
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Immune Checkpoint Protein Expression in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jessica Damanski
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 399
Bonner Scholar: Yes
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Internalized Model Minority Myth among Asian Americans - Paper
SSB 323
Presenter(s): Samreen Khateeb Khateeb, Nathaniel Such, Luis Roa- Tirado
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Investigating deer browse effects on relationships in the forest herb layer using Prunus serotina as a basis of comparison - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Josie Basch
Mentor(s): Janet Morrison
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493-14
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Investigating the longevity of applied patination on contemporary bronze sculpture - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Robyn Abrams
Mentor(s): Carolina Blatt
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAV 399-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Investigation of the thermal stability of the F pilus using molecular dynamic simulations - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Mahnoor Ahmed
Mentor(s): Joseph Baker
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Is cardiac dysfunction associated with brain serotonin deficiency? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Nicole Lester
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Language Disorders in Children - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Sarah Kania
Mentor(s): Lynn Smith
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SLP 391-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Laryngoscope Training Device - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Joyce Vilson*, Soundharya Mahadevan, Bhavik Patel, Kaitlyn Massereli
Mentor(s): Xuefeng Wei
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Learning equations from Data - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Miruna Baciu*
Mentor(s): Nicholas Battista
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 493-03
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Method development for GC/MS analysis of nicotine and metabolites in plasma - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Christina Elghazaly
Mentor(s): Rebecca Hunter
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Motivation behind Volunteerism - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Catie Murray*
Mentor(s): Jean Kirnan
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 390
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
NFL Win Probability Model - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Rob Mitten
Mentor(s): John Ruscio
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-03
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Novel Ergonomic Crutches - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Spencer Haber, John Goldinak, Eugene Kim, David Crain
Mentor(s): Brett BuSha
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Olcott Square Intersection Realignment and Traffic Signal Update - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Logan Viducic, Patrick Willever
Mentor(s): Thomas Brennan
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496-01
04/26 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Open Mural Painting - No experience required. All are welcome.
AIMM 102
Presenter(s): -
Mentor(s): Carolina Blatt
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number:
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Optimization of Nitric Oxide Storage on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Thomas Turzani
Mentor(s): Rebecca Hunter
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Optimizing an Immunostaining Protocol for Colocalizing Serotonin with other Anatomical Markers in Mouse Brainstem Sections - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): George Hart
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Oversharing on Social Media: A Look at the Behaviors of Adolescents and Teenagers - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kyra Hill*
Mentor(s): Judi Cook
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 201
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Platelet-Microparticle Interactions as a Function of Shear Stress - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Loiza Martin*
Mentor(s): Constance Hall
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 497
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Postpartum Depression in Young Mothers - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Reeva Paluri
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
PPAR∂ Intensifies Anti-Tumor Immunity by Reinvigorating of Exhausted T-cells - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Vyom Shah
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: Bio 399
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Progress Towards the Synthesis of Base Metal Catalysts for CO2 Functionalization - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Zachary Bacino, Zachary Vazquez, Alyssa Minnella
Mentor(s): Abby O'Connor
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-05
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Progress towards the synthesis of bulky triisopropyl substituted NNN pincer ligands and coordination complexes with ruthenium and palladium - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Emily Podd, Alexis Luglio
Mentor(s): Abby O'Connor
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-05
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Protein Structure in CTAB Reverse Micelle - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Catherine Fairfield
Mentor(s): Michelle Bunagan
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:15 am
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Mary Bellotti, Abdullah Shoeb, Kirstyn Smith, Stacey Gussak, Sofia Cartagena, Jared Lyles
Mentor(s): Livia LazzaroBrenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Real Time Imaging of Growing Thrombi Using Confocal Imaging - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ryan Sokolow*
Mentor(s): Constance Hall
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 497-04
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Reconstruction of Commissioner’s Pike Bridge - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Darsheet Patel
Mentor(s): Joseph StrafaciAndrew Bechtel
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV-496-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Reviewing the Safety and Environmental Health Impact of Nanomaterials - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Anthony Cuccurullo*
Mentor(s): Karen Gordon
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBHG 504-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Rumination about Racial Privilege - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Rebecca Morrow, Kaitlyn Crerand, Leanne Villareal, Larissa Boughton, Stefanie Lantigua
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-18
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Seasonal and Site-based Variation in Wintering Waterbird Populations of the Lower Delaware River - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Erin Heddy
Mentor(s): Luke Butler
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493-16
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
Senior Capstone in WGSS: Intersectional Studies of Education and Careers I. - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Abby Rosu, Mo Gonzalez, Kathleen Spata
Mentor(s): Janet Gray
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 498-01
04/26 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Shakespeare in America - Other
SSB 225
Presenter(s): Claire Segal, Isabella Antico, Samantha Belle, Cameron Carrazza, Patrick Chan, Elizabeth Chipura, Alyssa D'Amico, Jessica Fritsche, Rebecca Gervitz, Alexa Gorski, Tara Healey, Edwina Joe-Kamara, Haley Lubold, Corrine Mills, Jasmine Ortiz, Claire Segal, Angie Leon, Devin Tremblay, Julia Vroom
Mentor(s): Jo Carney
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 499-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Statistical Analysis of North Carolina Traffic Stop Data - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Yukyeong Park*
Mentor(s): David Holleran
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 393
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Steered molecular dynamics simulations of the type IV pilin from three Gram-negative bacteria - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Lauren Morano, Joseph Wang, Michael Zampetti
Mentor(s): Joseph Baker
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Synthesis of a Privileged Scaffolds - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Thomas Hendrickson
Mentor(s): David Hunt
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Synthesis of Cyclic Esters and Ethers Using Benzene Derivatives - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Daniel Canales
Mentor(s): David Hunt
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Assistive Snow Slider - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kenneth Lindsley, Joshua Charley, Joshua Doss, Brayden Hascup
Mentor(s): Brett BuSha
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Design of a Heating Blanket to increase the Snow Melting Rate on a Paved Surface. - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Robert Wetzel
Mentor(s): Manuel FigueroaFred Bauer
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Design of a Modern Preservation Case - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Aidan Conboy
Mentor(s): Manuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The design of a PLA Filament Recycler for Rapid Prototyping Workspaces - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kayla Devosa
Mentor(s): Matthew CathellManuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Design of an Autonomous Watering Plant Pot, a Hands Free Approach to Plant-Care - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Clint Housel
Mentor(s): Matthew Cathell
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Effect of Dehydration and Salts on the Conformation of LEA Protein - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Hannah Claus
Mentor(s): Michelle Bunagan
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Effects of Galactic Cosmic Radiation on the Material Properties of Bone - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Michele Meyers
Mentor(s): Anthony Lau
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: MUSE 2021
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Effects of Varying Solution Composition and Preparation Techniques for Copper Patinas (Verdigris) - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Michelle Amaechi, Nicole Nissel
Mentor(s): Lynn Bradley
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-07
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
The History of Eugenics in Women’s Reproductive Health - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Liane Taracena
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Immunohistochemical Analysis of ElRA Expression During Emryogenesis of Zebrafish - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Evan Ng, Rhea Amonkar
Mentor(s): Marcia O'Connell
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The maize IAA-amidosynthase enzyme is involved in conjugation of jasmonic acid with isoleucine mediating plant defense responses - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nicholas Blount
Mentor(s): Melkamu Woldemariam
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 496
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Mist Step: The Design of a Step-on Sand Removal System for the Beach - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Tyler Roses
Mentor(s): Manuel FigueroaTim Carpenter
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Plants Are Listening - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Emily Behnke
Mentor(s): Keith Pecor
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393-12
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
The Polarizing Effect of Social Media in Developed Liberal Democracies - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Nathaniel Tettemer
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Role of CYP72A9 in Arabidopsis thaliana Experiencing Abiotic Stress - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Alisha Srivastava
Mentor(s): Leeann Thornton
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-10
04/26 10:00 am - 10:20 am
The Study of Menstrual Education in Schools - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Lindsay Hearn
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Understanding Supply Chain Disruptions: Law, Sustainability, Technology, and Employment - Poster
Mayo Hall Lobby
Presenter(s): Elika Mohebbi*, Frederick Hayeck
Mentor(s): Susanna MonseauNancy Lasher
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: BUS 393
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Utilizing Object Detection of Humanoid Robots for Implementation in Motion Planning and Stereo Camera Calibrations - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Nicole Lim, Elizabeth Lopez
Mentor(s): Seung-yun Kim
School & Department: School of Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Number: MUSE Program 2021
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Virus-inspired transfection of a marine alga: Fluorescence microscopy of cells and the transfection vehicle - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Beth Singer*, Christopher Wu
Mentor(s): Donald Hirsh
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
What is the cause of significantly varying rates of Odocoileus virginianus browse on Fagus grandifolia in North America? - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Eric Kubynin
Mentor(s): Janet Morrison
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 10:00 am - 11:00 am
What’s Wrong With The FARM? Mutation Of The First Aspartate Rich Motif Of Moth FPPSs - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): AJ Bergamo
Mentor(s): Stephanie Sen
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 10:15 am - 11:00 am
Panel Presentation – Not Shadows and Not Your Stereotypes: TCNJ AAPI Advocacy Campaign - Other
AIMM 102
Presenter(s): Gabriella Son, Nicole Carberry, Jaime Hennig, Kelly Jung, Fox Parks, Stephanie Shen, Nicholas Textores, Bella Trucco
Mentor(s): Yifeng Hu
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 391 Independent Study
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
A closer look into the Student Finance Board’s funding practices - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Rishi Shah
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Barriers LGBT Women Face on Their Journey to Pregnancy - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Jordan Todaro
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Collective action as a strategy for coping with multiple identity conflict - Paper
SSB 323
Presenter(s): Marlena Mandic, Jazzlyn Diaz, Maya Remisio
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-18
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Determinants of Agricultural Protectionism in Industrialized Countries - Paper
BUS 105
Presenter(s): Sofia Ebio*
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: INT 498-02
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Jack Hardzewicz
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Effectiveness of Mental Health Literacy Programs in Schools - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Rachel Grant
Mentor(s): Jeanine Vivona
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Embedded Control and Optimization - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Francis Moran, Connor Stine, Matthew Bohr, Nia Harish
Mentor(s): Ambrose Adegbege
School & Department: School of Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Number: ELC 497
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Investigating the Role of Chloroplast DNA in Volvox powersii Cellular Differentiation - Paper
BUS 122
Presenter(s): Belmarie Siverio
Mentor(s): Zach Grochau-Wright
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393-10
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Is Walt Disney World Art? - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Dylan Catania
Mentor(s): Richard Kamber
School & Department: School of Business; Finance
Course Number: PHL 391
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Monstrous Desire and the Social Currency of Bodies in “Her Body and Other Parties” - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Namya Nanda
Mentor(s): Michael Dalpe
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: WGS 341-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Nationwide Newspaper Coverage of Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations Community Structure Theory, Communication Privilege and Resource Privilege - Paper
Bliss 145
Presenter(s): Isabella Ciccone*
Mentor(s): John Pollock
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBHG 615-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Nutrition For All: How Autonomy, Socioeconomic Status, and a Nudge Influences Food Choice in Online Restaurant Settings - Paper
SSB 103
Presenter(s): Maya Nandy
Mentor(s): John Ruscio
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496-04
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Phase calibration of an optical spatial light modulator - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): John Mahoney
Mentor(s): David McGee
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Positive Contact with Feminist Women as a Cause of Feminist Solidarity, Gender Privilege Awareness, and Public and Domestic Support for Gender Equality in Straight Men - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): April Stockfisch, April Stockfisch, Lindsey Soper
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Senior Capstone in WGSS: Intersectional Studies of History and Culture I. - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Rehat Singh, Sydney Smith-Cooper
Mentor(s): Janet Gray
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 498
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
Student Activism Through School Design - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Sreenidhi Viswanathan
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
The Impact of COVID-19 on the New York Housing Market - Paper
SSB 226
Presenter(s): Christopher Coniglio
Mentor(s): Donald Vandegrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-03
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
The Impact of Sargassum Seaweed in the Caribbean Region on Tourism - Paper
BUS 123
Presenter(s): Kaylyn Silva
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
The New Normal: How TCNJ Students Feel About COVID-19 Residence Life and Updated Residence Hall Safety Policies - Paper
SSB 228
Presenter(s): Benjamin Gallanter
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 10:30 am - 10:50 am
The Sentimental Value of the Freshman Towers- Attitudes of Alumni and Current Students on the College’s Decision to Demolish Travers and Wolfe - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Alexandra Copeland
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Asian Irregulars - Other
AIMM 202
Presenter(s): David Kim
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 499-01
04/26 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Fighting the Frenzy - Other
AIMM 202
Presenter(s): Celeste Krewson
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 499-01
04/26 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Plusquam Gladiatorem (More than a Gladiator) - Other
AIMM 202
Presenter(s): Giovanna Gallina
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 499-01
04/26 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Senior Projects in Design and Creative Technology - Other
AIMM 202
Presenter(s): Giovanna Galina, David Kim, Celeste Krewson, Kira Edgar, Kaitlyn Walters, Christopher Marcantonio, Hadassah Green, Allie DelDuca, Patrick Merklee, Jack Brubaker, Dalton Hutchinson, Josh Shoenfelt, Jason Sekora
Mentor(s): Chris AultWarren BuckleitnerJason Alejandro
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 499 and AAV 459
04/26 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
The Effects of Social Reactions to Disclosures of Campus Sexual Assault - Paper
SSB 328
Presenter(s): Snehi Mukkamalla*, Bryce Holley, Alexis Lovallo, Kayla McNerny, Kayla Martins
Mentor(s): Joanna Herres
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 390-10
04/26 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
CABPortal: Leveraging Collective Intelligence to Improve Sustainability of Web-Based Portals - Other
Presenter(s): Jenna Stiesi, Matt Hannum, Kiera Gill
Mentor(s): Monisha Pulimood
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Natalie Garcia, Ellie McCreesh, Liz Slusher, Michelle Lalor, I-Zis Kerr
Mentor(s): Livia LazzarBrenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406
04/26 1:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Searchable Interface with Geo Visualizion for Global Engagement Database - Paper
Presenter(s): Jordan Aquino-Solomon
Mentor(s): Sejong Yoon
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-07
04/26 1:15 pm - 1:30 pm
Human Pose Annotation Tool for Golf Pose Evaluation - Paper
Presenter(s): Kyeu Sun Jo
Mentor(s): Sejong Yoon
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-07
04/26 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Using Machine Learning - Paper
Presenter(s): Daniel Ortega
Mentor(s): Sejong Yoon
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-07
04/26 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Full Stack Support of Occupancy Detection for a Mobile App Created Using the Ionic Framework - Paper
Presenter(s): Payton Shaltis
Mentor(s): Deborah Knox
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-05
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 1:30 pm - 2:25 pm
Gateway to the Galaxy: A Planetarium Show by Michael A. Pedowitz - Other
Paul S. Hiack Planetarium (in Physics Dept.)
Presenter(s): Michael Pedowitz*
Mentor(s): Lauranne Lanz
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393 Independent Research
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 1:45 pm - 2:00 pm
A Survey on 4G LTE and 5G Entities, Functionality, and Security - Paper
Presenter(s): Kevin Klaskala
Mentor(s): Jikai Li
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-04
04/26 1:45 pm - 2:00 pm
Predicting Cryptocurrency Price using Q-Trading - Paper
Presenter(s): Gregory Yezhov
Mentor(s): Sejong Yoon
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-07
04/26 2:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Enhance Ukkonen’s Algorithm for Large Set of Input Strings - Paper
Presenter(s): Karam Hallak
Mentor(s): Jikai Li
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-04
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
(Poster #1 Title) Future of Machine Diagnostics in Smart Manufacturing Environments: Hyperparameter Optimization Framework to Improve Learning for Fault Diagnosis Applications (Poster #2 Name) The Future of Machine Diagnostics in Smart Manufacturing Environments: Design of an Intelligent Fault Simulator Apparatus - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Nithya Nalluri, (Part of Poster #1) Michael Franco-Garcia, (Part of Poster #2) Zachary Leong
Mentor(s): Larry PearlsteinMohammed Alabsi
School & Department: School of Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Number: ELC 497
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
A complex story of translational control: the ElrA protein during zebrafish embryogenesis. - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Cajetan Ejianreh
Mentor(s): Marcia O'Connell
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
A Comprehensive Mathematical Model of Adult Dermal Wound Healing - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Spencer Haber*
Mentor(s): Christopher WagnerNicholas Battista
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 497-03
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
A Novel Connection Between [PSI+] Prion Formation and RNA Splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Jones
Mentor(s): Tracy Kress
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
A Reverse Genetic Approach to Assess the Functions of the Maize Allene Oxide Synthase Gene (AOS1) - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Vasu Patel, Harish Rajagopal
Mentor(s): Melkamu Woldemariam
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-07
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
A Study of B-Corp Structure: Similarites and Differences - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Michelle Dunlap
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Business; Accounting and Information Systems
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
A Systematic Literature Review of the Diabetes Prevalence Within the Latin American Community - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lisbet Garcia-Ortiz
Mentor(s): Natasha Patterson
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH-350-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Academic Pressure and Mental Health in High Achieving Schools - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Alaina Napoli
Mentor(s): James Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 487
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Anthology | Senior BFA Fine Art and Photography/Video Thesis Exhibition - Other
AIMM Art Gallery
Presenter(s): Carly McKenzie*, Andrew Serge, Caitlin Hackett, Heather Simpson, Ji-Yoon Han, Joe Om, John Linaris, Kailee Lockwood, Lauren Schweighardt, Luke Sulsenti, Mia Decker-Steckhahn, Ren Maclean, Shana Scavelli, Sarah Quiles
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Mackie
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAV 412-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Articulation Disorders in School Aged Children - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Allessandra Bredice
Mentor(s): Lynn Smith
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SLP 391-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Biological and Cognitive Effects of Cannabinoids - Paper
SSB 225
Presenter(s): Himani Kolli
Mentor(s): Andrew Leynes
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-05
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Cadmium and Cobalt Toxicity and Male Mating Efficiency in C. elegans - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Charles Sorbanelli
Mentor(s): Sudhir Nayak
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-16
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:05 pm
Children’s Literature and Social Justice Concerns - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Claire Kim, Avina Sharma, Lindsay Vreeland, Lysa Legros, Megan Finan
Mentor(s): Diane SteinbergFelicia Steele
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: Sigma Tau Delta
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Collaboration Across Boundaries and the Development of Self-Efficacy In Higher Education - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Grace Boylan
Mentor(s): Diane Bates
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 390-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Collaboration Across Boundaries: How Difference of Gender Affected Ones Experience - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jenna Hart*
Mentor(s): Diane Bates
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 390-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Comparing the Bidirectionality of Depressive Symptoms and Alcohol-Related Harms Among College Students During a Typical Academic Year and During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Paper
SSB 131
Presenter(s): Bernard Pereda
Mentor(s): Joanna Herres
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Coordinating two steps in gene expression: mutations in the NuA4 transcription regulator influence RNA splicing - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Dominick Costanzo
Mentor(s): Tracy Kress
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 469-08
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Cross-National News Coverage of Access to Healthcare During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Community Structure Theory and Health and Resource Privilege - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Brielle LoBello
Mentor(s): John Pollock
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: COM 415-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Cross-National Newspaper Coverage of Mental Health during COVID-19: Community Structure Theory and Privileged Health Access - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Meghna Krishnamurthy*, Nicole Fenske
Mentor(s): John Pollock
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: COM 415
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Deer as a Potential Driver of Invasive Euonymus alatus Success in Two Suburban Forest Habitats - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lindsey Stiesi
Mentor(s): Janet Morrison
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Diabetes and Heat Hospitalizations in New Jersey: Climate Change and Health - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Maria LaQuaglia*
Mentor(s): Alexis MrazSylvia Twersky
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: N/A
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Effects of White-Tailed Deer Browse on Liriodendron tulipifera in Central NJ Suburban Forests - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jenna Delgado
Mentor(s): Janet Morrison
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493-14
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Elementary STEM Design Challenges from Nature - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jessica Jozak
Mentor(s): Louise Ammentorp
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: ELE 391-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Enterprise Story - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Chelsie Derman
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Environmental Inequity in Schools - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Colleen Rushnak
Mentor(s): Marissa Bellino
School & Department: School of Education; Educational Administration and Secondary Education
Course Number: EDFN 627-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Evaluating the Community Impact of Community Engaged Learning Courses - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Supriya Mishra*
Mentor(s): Diane Bates
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 390-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Evaluation of Allies who recognize their privilege - Paper
Bliss 153
Presenter(s): Kayla Johnson, Natalie Catalina, Jessica Burch
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Evolution of Clinical Treatment for Mental Illness - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jakeina Pena
Mentor(s): Jonathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Exploring Protein Structure and Function through Virtual Reality - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Anthony Cuccurullo*
Mentor(s): Stephanie Sen
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 430-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Exploring research-based methods for teaching reading among students with Dyslexia across critical components of literacy instruction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Morgan Piscitelli
Mentor(s): Lauren Foxworth
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SPED 609
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Fight the Fight, Find the Cure - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Aaliyah Brown, Rachel Lee, Gabriela Rodriguez
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Caribbean Countries 1980-2020 - Paper
BUS 104
Presenter(s): Eric Holder
Mentor(s): Donald Vandegrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-03
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Functional analysis of duplicated Jasmonate Resistant (JAR) genes in maize (Zea mays). - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Caroline Artymowicz, Umer Shah
Mentor(s): Melkamu Woldemariam
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Gamification of Brand Marketing - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Catie Murray*, Bella Trucco
Mentor(s): Karen Becker-Olsen
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: MKT-371 Independent Study
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Gene Flow and Genetic Differentiation in the Invasive Lycorma Delicatula - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Scott Cogan
Mentor(s): Curt Elderkin
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Genetic analysis of acetoin catabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Brian Gaffney, Sophia Khan
Mentor(s): Zaara SarwarBenjamin Lundgren
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493-07
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Grave 17: An Osteobiography From the Cemetery of the Historic First Baptist Church of Philadelphia - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ellie Kerhin, Sebastian Gonzalez-Jimenez, Sam Schwartz
Mentor(s): Jared Beatrice
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: ANT 393-02
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Halogen-Metal Exchange Studies of o-Bromophenylethyl Formamide - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Vincent Landante
Mentor(s): David Hunt
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-11
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Hello, Hello, Hello - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Evan Jerista*
Mentor(s): Susan Ryan
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 350
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
How does the majority-minority demographic shift impact White Americans’ attitudes towards voting rights legislation? - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): Anushka Vishahan
Mentor(s): Jarret Crawford
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496-06
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
How Effective is the United Nations in Promoting Human Rights? - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Kasey McNulty
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: INT 498
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
How Much Can Neural Networks Learn Jellyfish? - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lana Abdelmohsen
Mentor(s): Nicholas Battista
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: MAT-393
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
How to Make Anxiety and Stress Your Friend - Paper
SSB 226
Presenter(s): Megan Constuble, Kaitlin Dwyer
Mentor(s): Keli Fazio
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 487
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Impact of Political Polarization on Party Affiliation - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Nicholas Henry
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Innate Habitat Preferences of Eastern Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis g. getula): An Experimental Assessment - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jocelyn Walden, Kayla Suiter, Steven Mendez
Mentor(s): Howard Reinert
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 496
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Investigating male mating response of double and triple ttll mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Danielle Ayoub, Naileny Rodriguez, Sachit Taduvai
Mentor(s): Nina Peel
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-17
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Investigating The Effect of Additional Sensory Feedback in Cybersickess Mitigation - Paper
Presenter(s): David Calva
Mentor(s): Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz Ferdous
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-08
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Investigating the stability of archaeal type IV pilins using steered molecular dynamics - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jennifer Goldstein, Zachary Alseika
Mentor(s): Joseph Baker
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Journalism Exploration of Student Teaching - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Julia Duggan*
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
LEADing Your Way Through Client Conflict - Other
Kendall Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Richard Miller
Mentor(s): Keli Fazio
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 487
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Loyalty to Controversy: How a Fashion Brand’s Status Affects Consumer Behavior - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Kyra Hill*, Victoria DiMeo, Kelly Jung, Leah Rodgers, Bella Trucco
Mentor(s): Karen Becker-Olsen
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: MKT 365-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Measuring Stellar Brightness in Telescope Images - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sofia Stepanoff*
Mentor(s): Lauranne Lanz
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Medford Lakes Community Dams Redesign - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): John Lorusso, Gregory Bishop, Shivani Savalia, Joseph Wagner
Mentor(s): Michael Horst
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Modeling the effects of identity and classroom practice on the spread of math anxiety - Paper
Bliss 228
Presenter(s): Maya Williams*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 493
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Negative Emotions in Romantic Conflict Narratives During Covid-19 - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Faith Cortright
Mentor(s): Candice Feiring
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-07
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Non-profit organizations - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Mollie Brueggemeier, John DeCroce, Kristin Jacoutot
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Non-Profit Poster Prresentation - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Abby Bonifacio, Katie Butler, Samantha Lagrotteria
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Optimization of the Virus-Induced-Gene-Silencing technique to silence IAA-Amidosynthetase gene in Maize. - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Sadhvi Mohankumar, Deep Patel
Mentor(s): Melkamu Woldemariam
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Phonemic Awareness in Language Acquisition and Learning Through the Use of Music - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Sarah Sardoni
Mentor(s): Wayne Heisler
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Music
Course Number: MUS 494-70
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Possibility of Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Waves - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Mary McMullan, Katie Mohring
Mentor(s): Thulsi Wickramasinghe
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 493
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Maia Franco, Amanda Celli, Camille Bustamante, Alexander Morrison, Vanessa Pacheco, Jillian Ethem
Mentor(s): Livia LazzaroBrenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Rain Garden Proposal - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Alexia Guzman*
Mentor(s): Althia Muse
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Reconstruction of Exit 168 GSP Interchange and Washington Avenue Overpass - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Brendan Downes, John Capozzi, Paul Montague, Tatiana Lukianov
Mentor(s): Thomas BrennanJoseph Strafaci
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Risk Factors Associated with Behavioral Economic Demand for Alcohol in College Students: A Multi-Site Investigation - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Rebecca Kurnellas
Mentor(s): Margaret Martinetti
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496-05
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
RLS Relief Device Prototype - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Timothy Chandler, Cody Edminster, Jonathan Makris, Ashan Qureshi
Mentor(s): Constance Hall
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Role determination of CYP72A11 and CYP72A13 in plant stress response through analysis of gene expression, growth and protein structure - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Akshad Thirugnanam
Mentor(s): Leeann Thornton
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO-495-10
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Sexual Assault Campaign–Our Bodies, Our Self-Defense - Capstone
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Lakshmi Gurram*, Roshni Raji, Katherine Gellman, Emily Hicks, Megha Sehgal, Emeli Cruz, Emma Taff, Maya Hendl, Gianna Fuls-Hopkins, Gabrielle McLean, Patricia Pulda, Alexis Feder, Carla Perez, Caroline Francesconi, Julie Valvano, Carina Kharmandarian, Kaitlyn Cleary
Mentor(s): Mary Lynn Hopps
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 499
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Somerville Circle Redesign - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Bryan Remache-Patino, Sean Rhatican, Dylan Popp, Lewis Mora, Thomas Buckley
Mentor(s): Thomas Brennan
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV496-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
State of the Art: Exploration of Queer Artwork in Modern Philadelphia - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Leanne Villareal*
Mentor(s): Michael Dalpe
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 341 / LIT 313
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 am
Statistical Analysis of Simulated Snake Skin Patterns - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nandini Mutyala*
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 393-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Stolen Babies of Spain: The Victims Speak - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Hannah Rodenhaber
Mentor(s): Marimar Huguet Jerez
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: WLC 393-02
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Substance Use and Sleep Quality Amongst Undergraduate TCNJ Students: A Qualitative Exploration - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Vaishnavi More, Hayley Billings, Kenneth Brown
Mentor(s): Theresa Soya
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 401
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Sustainability in The Fashion Industry - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Elaina Arrechea
Mentor(s): Susanna Monseau
School & Department: School of Business; Management
Course Number: BUS 393
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Sustainability Within the World of Sports: An In-Depth Analysis of How the Sports Industry Fights Climate Change - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Robert Murray
Mentor(s): Karen Becker-Olsen
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: MKT 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Sustainable Landscaping at TCNJ - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Emily Kelly
Mentor(s): Shannon Graham
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 493
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Synthesis of a Synergistic Nanoparticle Coating to Limit Nonspecific Protein Adsorption - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Abdullah Shoeb*
Mentor(s): Michelle Bunagan
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-06
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Teaching Environmental Adaptations in Animals - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jordan Moritz
Mentor(s): Lauren Madden
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: ELE 391
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Design of a Dog Anxiety Vest using an Embedded Simulated Heartbeat Mechanism - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Danielle Russo, Alyssa Aurilio
Mentor(s): Manuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Design of a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Mask Radio System for Improving Firefighter Communication With-in Hazardous Environments - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Gabrieli Lopez
Mentor(s): Manuel FigueroaKevin Devlin
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The design of a weight sensitive coaster to optimize the bloom process for a Chemex - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Deana Lucas
Mentor(s): Manuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Effects of Galactic Cosmic Radiation on the Material Properties of Bone - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Michele Meyers
Mentor(s): Anthony Lau
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: MUSE 2021
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The effects of hyperglutamylation on the brood size and germline organization of C. elegans - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Abigail Klimas, Olivia Hiltke
Mentor(s): Nina Peel
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
The Effects of Streaming on Musician Employment. - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Tia Suggs
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Malicious Envy and Self Esteem - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Kristine Raymond
Mentor(s): Jingyi DuanJean Brechman
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: MKT 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Problem Solving Skills Through Quantitative Data Analysis - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Erika Marshyti
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 399-A
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Impacts of Academic Burnout Among Students Enrolled in CAB Courses - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Paula Blizard
Mentor(s): Diane Bates
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 390-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
The Mary Roebling International Travel Award: Study and Intern Abroad in Barcelona, Spain - Paper
SSB 103
Presenter(s): Rebecca Mazur*
Mentor(s): Nicholas Toloudis
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: INTL 350
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Moon Landing Conspiracy: Challenging Conspiracies and Why People Believe - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jamie Yoos
Mentor(s): Kim Pearson
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 271-70
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The NuA4 Acetyltransferase, Acetylation of Histone H4 and the H2A.Z Variant Histone are Required for Appropriate RNA Splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Christopher Snyder, Camila Bolle
Mentor(s): Tracy Kress
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 496
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Nuances of Social Media Microbreaks - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nicole Woods
Mentor(s): Judi Cook
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 201
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The potential role of CeA in Sex Difference in anxiety in response to Acute Stress - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ana Caro Del Castillo*
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 399
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The prevalence of caries in relation to sex, age, and tooth type in colonial Philadelphia - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Calvin Grigal*
Mentor(s): Jared Beatrice
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: ANT 493-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The Role of Sexism in Mental Healthcare - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Paige Rockhill, Sabrina Kenny, Anna Caccamo
Mentor(s): Jonathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The role of TikTok verification in influencer-promoted marketing content - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Wandally Vargas, Daniel Sullivan
Mentor(s): Eugene Cho
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 390
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Towards a Caring Democracy: Care Work as a Civil Rights Struggle in America - Paper
Bliss 233
Presenter(s): Romy Zemer
Mentor(s): Maxwell Burkey
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Nursing
Course Number: AAS 270-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Turn(Over) Of the Century: Theoretical Implications in Relation to the Great Resignation - Paper
Bliss 234
Presenter(s): Anthony Battaglia
Mentor(s): Jason Dahling
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Understanding Supply Chain Disruptions: Law, Sustainability, Technology, and Employment - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Elika Mohebbi*, Frederick Hayeck
Mentor(s): Susanna MonseauNancy Lasher
School & Department: School of Business; Marketing and Interdisciplinary Business
Course Number: BUS 393
Bonner Scholar: Yes
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Understanding the healthcare industry’s role with respect to prescription drugs and the greater opioid crisis. - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Neil Trivedi
Mentor(s): Subarna Samanta
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-02
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Using Herbarium Species to Study Leaf Shape Variation across the Circumboreal Range of the Lonicera caerulea Species Complex - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Shania Welch
Mentor(s): Wendy Clement
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-02
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Using morphometric analysis to determine an overlap in lanceolate Elliptio spp. - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Bhavi Patel, Nishi Patel
Mentor(s): Curt Elderkin
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Virus-inspired transfection of a marine alga: net surface charge of the viral envelope - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Shreya Krishnan
Mentor(s): Donald Hirsh
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-11
04/26 2:15 pm - 2:35 pm
Women in Sports: The Stigma Around Pregnancy in Professional Athletes - Paper
SSB 323
Presenter(s): Carolyn Mazzacco
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Conducting Tutor using Python and IntelRealSense - Paper
Presenter(s): Sarah Hoffman
Mentor(s): Andrea Salgian
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-01
04/26 2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Learning for Memory Recall - Poster
Presenter(s): Alyssa Popper
Mentor(s): Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz Ferdous
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-08
04/26 2:40 pm - 3:00 pm
Confidence in Communication - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Marcos Ochoa
Mentor(s): Keli Fazio
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 487-01
04/26 2:40 pm - 3:00 pm
Using Neural Networks to Solve an Optimal Control Problem in Cancer - Paper
Bliss 228
Presenter(s): Anna Dorval
Mentor(s): Jana Gevertz
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 493-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
“Developing a Physics Career Intervention Among Middle School Students” - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Parisi, Jillian Ryan
Mentor(s): AJ Richards
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
An Exercise in Creative Collaboration: Designing the Interactive Art-Science Exhibition Meaningful Beauty - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Haley Wright
Mentor(s): Chris AultWendy Clement
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 470 Interactive Exhibit Design
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Automated web interfaces for command line tools - Paper
Presenter(s): Jason Chen
Mentor(s): Dimitris Papamichail
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-03
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Capstone presentation - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Gopi Patel
Mentor(s): Brenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBHG 706 01
04/26 2:45 pm - 2:55 pm
College Life in the Time of COVID - Other
Kendall Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Evan Jerista
Mentor(s): Kathleen Webber
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 360-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Connecting Forensics to Nature: An Interactive Simulation - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Jessica Donovan
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Cross-National News Coverage of Vaccine Hesitancy: Community Structure Theory, Political Instability, and Privilege - Paper
SSB 228
Presenter(s): Mia Gomes, Danielle Nicoletti, Jai Sookram, Jessica Farrell
Mentor(s): John Pollock
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBHG 615-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Economic and Behavioral Factors of Renewable Energy Consumption - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Kevin Le
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Electrochemical Characterization of Reactive Fe(III)-Thiolate Intermediates - Paper
Bliss 153
Presenter(s): Matthew Porowski*
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Factors Influencing Attraction to Prospective Jobs - Paper
Bliss 234
Presenter(s): Bianca Camano
Mentor(s): Jason Dahling
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
How I Solved Translation Problems When I Translated Texts for the Union - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Romi Roman
Mentor(s): Regina Morin
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: WLC 399
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
How TCNJ is implementing New Jersey’s new Mental Health Bill 3007. - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Olivia Bowman
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Inclusive Mental Health Education - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Kaitlyn Wesner, Camryn Legra
Mentor(s): Samuel Kanig
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Isauria and Landscape: Working Within the Imagined Realms of Hagiographies - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Jane Kim*
Mentor(s): Dina Boero
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 498-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 2:55 pm
Life in the time of COVID - Other
Kendall Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Richardson
Mentor(s): Kathleen Webber
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 360-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Losing My Religion: Queerness in the Modern Renaissance - Paper
SSB 103
Presenter(s): Lucy Fleischmann*
Mentor(s): Jayne Reinhard
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAH 499 01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Moral Duty to Future Persons - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Alex Pegher
Mentor(s): Melinda Roberts
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Philosophy, Religion and Classical Studies
Course Number: PHL 493-02
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Navigation training using haptics in virtual reality for people with visual impairments - Paper
Presenter(s): Thendral Prabu
Mentor(s): Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz Ferdous
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-08
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Painful Reminders of the Civil War: Physical and Psychological Trauma Among Union Veterans - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Sarah Henry
Mentor(s): Craig Hollander
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496-04
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Sexual Assault by an Romantic Partner is Associated with Higher Feelings of Betrayal and Distrust - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Jessica Turner
Mentor(s): Joanna Herres
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
TCNJ’s parking predicament - Paper
SSB 226
Presenter(s): Dana Corvil
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
The Treatment and Depiction of Italian American Women in Media - Paper
Bliss 145
Presenter(s): Jessica Reyes
Mentor(s): Simona Wright
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Nursing
Course Number: ITL 171
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
The Use of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in the Study of Schizophrenia - Paper
SSB 225
Presenter(s): Rebecca Mensch
Mentor(s): Andrew Leynes
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-05
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
The Weakening of the Anti-war Movement in America - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Aidan Ward
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
Tracing the Sepoy Figure in British Imagination: The 1857 Rebellion and WWI - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): Sarah Adamo
Mentor(s): Satyasikha Chakraborty
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
YouTube’s Impact on the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Alexander D'Andrea
Mentor(s): Alexander Garlick
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498
04/26 2:45 pm - 3:05 pm
“We Used to Own Our Slaves; Now We Just Rent Them.” – Dehumanization and Discrimination in the Bracero Program (1942-1964) - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Steven Sharp
Mentor(s): Robert McGreevey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496
04/26 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Effect of Augmented Reality Training on Short-Term Memory - Paper
Presenter(s): Allison Russell
Mentor(s): Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz Ferdous
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-08
04/26 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Piano music piece arrangements for guitar - Paper
Presenter(s): Alexander D'Amico
Mentor(s): Dimitris Papamichail
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 498-03
04/26 3:05 pm - 3:35 pm
Chinese Valentines folktale (Qixi) - Other
Kendall Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Christopher Mitchell*, Arianna Ceballos, Meletios Lendis, Loretta Wolchko, Gianna Barone, Mayah Nissim, Jessie Roberts, Lauren Emerson, Chen Xuan, Eliane Zhang, Jason Rosen
Mentor(s): Celia Liu
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: CH103&CH252
04/26 3:05 pm - 3:25 pm
Understanding Pretzel Knots with Trees - Paper
Bliss 228
Presenter(s): Kendra Ebke
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 493
04/26 3:05 pm - 3:30 pm
We Are More Than Students: A Pedagogical Study - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Angie Tamayo León*
Mentor(s): Marissa Bellino
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: SED 224-01
04/26 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Innovations In Data Analytics - Poster
Presenter(s): Esteban Masson
Mentor(s): Dimitris Papamichail
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 399-01
04/26 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm
The Efficacy of a Visual Simulator Sickness Questionaire - Poster
Presenter(s): Svanik Shirodkar
Mentor(s): Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz Ferdous
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 499-08
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
#ParTy&Play: How Exposure to “Chemsex” Content on Popular Gay Dating App Normalizes and Encourages Drug Use - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Quinton Casillas
Mentor(s): Yachao Li
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 391-02
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Analysis of the American Football Betting Market - Paper
SSB 226
Presenter(s): Alec Dawidowski
Mentor(s): Subarna Samanta
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Analyzing the Implications of Non-binary Consciousness Attribution - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Emily Prendergast
Mentor(s): Consuelo Preti
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Philosophy, Religion and Classical Studies
Course Number: PHL 496-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Anthology | Senior BFA Fine Art and Photography/Video Thesis Exhibition - Other
AIMM Art Gallery
Presenter(s): Carly McKenzie*, Andrew Serge, Caitlin Hackett, Heather Simpson, Ji-Yoon Han, Joe Om, John Linaris, Kailee Lockwood, Lauren Schweighardt, Luke Sulsenti, Mia Decker-Steckhahn, Ren Maclean, Shana Scavelli, Sarah Quiles
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Mackie
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAV 412-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Are we missing planets? Let’s first explore Kepler-80! - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Michael Polania
Mentor(s): Mariah MacDonald
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
Bonner Scholar: Yes
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Assessing the Current Literature on Sexual Coercion and (Non)Consent - Paper
SSB 323
Presenter(s): Kelly Pinzon, Devin Roughan
Mentor(s): Patricia Becker
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Criminology
Course Number: CRI 393-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Assessing the Effects of Developmental Nicotine Exposure on Respiratory Responses to Hypercapnia in Serotonin-Deficient Pet-1 Knockout Mice - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Meghna Krishnamurthy*
Mentor(s): Jeffery Erickson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Audio Spatial Awareness Device - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sarah Butchley, Loiza Martin, Robert Stoddart, Zain Moin
Mentor(s): Xuefeng Wei
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Basins of Attraction: The Fragility of Equilibria - Paper
Bliss 228
Presenter(s): Youssef Navarro
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 393
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Beyond Myth: The Legend of King Arthur - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Emili Kovell
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Borderline Personality Disorder - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jack Polshuk
Mentor(s): Jonathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Cáncer de pulmón - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Salonee Shatagar, Amy Otarola
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: SPA 219-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Chernobyl and Cultural Memory - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Shawn Rowan
Mentor(s): Cynthia Paces
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496-04
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Chivalry is Dead. Is that a bad thing? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jaxon Leifer
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 am
Clothing That Takes Care of US: Clothing B-Corps - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Antonio Bruno, Reynaldo Torres, Sebastian Gonzalez-Jimenez
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Conductive Polymer Nanofibers For Electrochemical Sensing Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Anthony Cuccurullo*, Jose De Leon Gonzalez, Courtney Osowski
Mentor(s): Rebecca Hunter
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
COVID-19 Impact on PEI Kids and ASA - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Kiyla Peterson
Mentor(s): Althia Muse
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Criticism of Women in the Early Middle Ages - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jessica Burns, Maddie Staley, Victoria Gladstone
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: LIT 251
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Crutch Mobility System - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Michael Libonati, Thomas Trainor, Wali Sohail, Joshua Platsman
Mentor(s): Christopher Wagner
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Development of an Undergraduate Laboratory in Polymer Chemistry - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Erica Bocanegra
Mentor(s): Michelle Bunagan
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Diabetes among the Latino Community in the United States - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Emma Spang, Ana Penaloza
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: SPA 219-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Early Modern British Literature - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Rose Walker
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Ecocriticism: Teaching Sustainability-Focused Lessons in the Classroom - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jamie Ingling
Mentor(s): Louise Ammentorp
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: ELE 391-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
El asma - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Isamar Paredes, Hannah Roddenhaber, Naileny Rodriguez
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: SPA 219-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
El COVID-19 y la comunidad: un tema importante en salud pública - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Zachary Vazquez*, Briana Marciano, Rudy Dombrowski Iv
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: SPA 219-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Electrochemical Characterization of Reactive Fe(III)-Thiolate Intermediates - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Matthew Porowski*, Amanda Kirschner
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Embarazo adolescente - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Sophia Guidara, Stella, Jordan
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: SPA 219-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Enfermedad de hígado crónica y cirrosis (Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis) - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Aneesh Reddy, Grace Smithwick, Matthew Bradley
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: SPA 219-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Enterprise Writing: A Breakdown - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Zachary Rice, Riley Eisenbeil
Mentor(s): Emilie Lounsberry
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 370-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Epley Maneuver System - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ryan Sokolow*, Jonathon Borgognoni, Samuel Safar
Mentor(s): Christopher Wagner
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Examination of sulfonamide groups in the secondary coordination sphere of rhenium complexes for electrochemical CO2 reduction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Allyson Swain
Mentor(s): Abby O'Connor
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-05
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Family Memories of The World Wars - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Maxim Shumylo
Mentor(s): Joseph CampoStuart Carroll
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 187 - 01
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Forms of discrimination and acknowledgement of certain marginalized groups - Paper
BUS 104
Presenter(s): Carla Perez*
Mentor(s): Waheeda Lillevik
School & Department: School of Business; Management
Course Number: N/A
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Fourier optical representation of binary amplitude gratings - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nicholas Pyontek, Alex Stourton
Mentor(s): David McGee
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Fourier Transform - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nicholas Pyontek, Alex Stourton
Mentor(s): David McGee
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Guerrilla Movements in Latin America - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Nicholas Wolmart
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Historical Narratives and Perspective - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Erin Pah
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Homoaldol Reactions of 1,2-Cyclohexanedione - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kimberly Jarquin*, Kapya Kollin
Mentor(s): David Hunt
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
Bonner Scholar: Yes
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
How Covid Mandates Impact Travel: An Economic Analysis - Paper
SSB 225
Presenter(s): Jessica Willox
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Impacts of Political Globalization: A Comparative Analysis of NGOs in Developed and Developing Countries - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Marissa McGauley
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: INT 498-02
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Investigating redundancy in ttll genes of C. elegans - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Zion Lee, Maria Hannoush (hannoum1@tcnj.edu)
Mentor(s): Nina Peel
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393-02
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Irish Diaspora Influence - Paper
Bliss 153
Presenter(s): Isabella Devine
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Kepler-305: A System of New Discoveries - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Skylar D'Angiolillo
Mentor(s): Mariah MacDonald
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Liberty and Justice For All - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Bri Bruccoleri*
Mentor(s): Melinda Roberts
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Philosophy, Religion and Classical Studies
Course Number: PHL 493
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Mathematics and Civil Rights: Bob Moses - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Maya Williams*
Mentor(s): Piper Williams
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; African-American Studies
Course Number: AAS 393
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Menstrual Health for Women in Prisons - Paper
SSB 131
Presenter(s): Ruth Ramirez
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Meta-analysis suggests variable, but pCO2-specific, effects of ocean acidification on crustacean biomaterials - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Muskanjot Kaur
Mentor(s): Gary Dickinson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Moral Panics and Misinformation - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Talie Meza
Mentor(s): Kim Pearson
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Journalism and Professional Writing
Course Number: JPW 271
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
NGT Insertion Training Device - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Samantha Gorlewski*, Beverly Yow, Anastasia Kodak, Megan Blakeley
Mentor(s): Xuefeng Wei
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Novel Recessed Curvature Electrode to Increase Selectivity in Deep Brain Stimulation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Allen Hong, Eugene Kim, Xuefeng Wei
Mentor(s): Xuefeng Wei
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: MUSE Program 2021
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Old English Biblical Heroes - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Siobhan Lavery
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Optimization of Greener Conditions to Synthesize Pyridine Acyl Arylsulfonamide Derivatives - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Clifford Yung
Mentor(s): Abby O'Connor
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-05
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Ostracized, Commodified, and Invisible-ized: An Analysis of Invisible Man and Sula - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): Brittney Ajaj
Mentor(s): David Blake
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 376-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Overexpression and Purification of a Bacterial Stress Response Metalloprotein - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ruhi Shah*, Zachary Ziolkowski, Folashade Jaiyeola, Sri Manyata Peddinti
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Para- and [4+4] Photocycloadditions in Pyridone- Para-Substituted Benzene Systems - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Alexa Gomez, Mary Spireas, Sana Urbharay
Mentor(s): Lauren Rossiter
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Pregnancy and Body Dysmorphia/Body Image - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Jennifer Marshall
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:45 pm
Provider Data Quality Analysis - Poster
Presenter(s): Vihan Patel
Mentor(s): Dimitris Papamichail
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CSC 399-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Kyle Foster, Ryan Yacovino, Anny Chen, Nandini Mutyala, Tyreek Best, Ronald Rainero
Mentor(s): Livia LazzaroBrenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406/PBHG706
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Race, Gender, and the Visual Culture of Domestic Labor: Trade Cards and Postcards from the 1870s to 1930s - Other
SSB 232
Presenter(s): Phoebe Abeles, Sarah Adamo, Lucy Fleischmann, George Kapetanakis, Sapphire Srigley, Abhishta Tantry
Mentor(s): Satyasikha Chakraborty
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 390-01 Group Research Seminar
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Racial Disparities in Obesity / Disparidades raciales en obesidad - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Ishika Sheladia, Riya Patel, Giselle Jimenez
Mentor(s): Isabel Kentengian
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: SPA 219-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Relationship Fathers of Children with CHARGE Syndrome have with Medical Professionals - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sarah Ahson, Lindsey Ruderman, Kathryn Fusella
Mentor(s): John GallagherNadya Pancsofar
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SLP 391
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
SES and Social Life at TCNJ - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Janelyn Rodriguez*
Mentor(s): Miriam Shakow
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 393
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Shell Growth, Mechanics, and Structural Properties of Adult & Juvenile Barnacles - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Callie Triano, Yeram Kang, Jazmine Shaw
Mentor(s): Gary Dickinson
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 493
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Sigma Tau Delta Conference Presentations by English MA Students - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Madeline Talbot, Ben Sulton, Sydney Blanchard, Bella Guhl-Erdie, Ambar Grullon, Jessica Abolafia, Gina Mancuso, Samantha Segreto
Mentor(s): Diane SteinbergFelicia Steele
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: Sigma Tau Delta
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Sleep Apnea Assistive Device - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Christina O'Neill, Colleen Kalinowski, Hannah Massey, Daniela Nizamoff
Mentor(s): Brett BuSha
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: BME 496-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Spark a Passion for STEM - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Cristian Huertas*
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Stress tests of Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Veronica Kan*, Daniella Gurovich
Mentor(s): Zaara Sarwar
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 494-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Studying Fe(III)-Thiolate Autoredox Rates with Enforced Bidentate Substrate Binding - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Alana Calello
Mentor(s): Levi Ekanger
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The design of an automated system for record player song selection and customized listening: Assistive device for people with vision and motor impairments - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ciana Roman*
Mentor(s): Gabriel CarryonManuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
The Fluidity of Sacred Spaces: Use and Re-Use of the Parthenon and Hagia Sophia - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Megan Healey
Mentor(s): Lee Ann Riccardi
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAH 499
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
The Impacts of Bilingualism and the Spacing Effect on Language Learning - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Brandon Hoang
Mentor(s): Lisa Grimm
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 496
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Negative Effects of Globalization on Argentina’s Society - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Emanuel Martinez
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: INT 498
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
The Psychosocial Aspects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women - Paper
SSB 228
Presenter(s): Julia Guzman
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Role of Body Size in Threespine Stickleback Mating Preferences and its Implications for Ecological Speciation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Seana Cleary*
Mentor(s): Matthew Wund
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Triskyrmion and other Q=3 Solutions - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Pierce Wickenden
Mentor(s): Daniel Capic
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393-02
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Use of the Japanese Language in Korean Popular Music - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Kathleen Patterson
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Trade and its Impact on the Environment in Decolonized States - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Louise Lichtenberg
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Trenton Life: History through People - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Jocelyne Guzman
Mentor(s): Althia Muse
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
United States on Immigration Policy - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Mario De Leon
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Virus-inspired transfection of a marine alga: Persistence of the antibiotic G418 in cell culture - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Purvi Shakelly
Mentor(s): Donald Hirsh
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393-09
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
What is a Woman in British Literature - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Makayla Ruiz
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: LIT 251
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
What is Intelligence? - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Ashley Fernandez
Mentor(s): Mariah MacDonald
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 393
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Who Gets Explained? Androcentrism in Psychology - Paper
Bliss 233
Presenter(s): Destiny Kenny*, Stephanie Geer, Victoria Desir, Jennifer Marshall
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-18
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Women in 17th Century Literature - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Cesia Guadron, Sean Graham
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251
04/26 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Women In English Literature - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Mackenzie Wall, Kirsten Mahon, Sophia Rogers
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251-01
04/26 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
¡Viva Puerto Rico Libre! Remembering Puerto Rico’s Nationalist Rebellion in the Town of Jayuya - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Gabriella Ricottone
Mentor(s): Robert McGreevey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 3:35 pm - 3:55 pm
Breaking Down Sexism on Saxophone: Performing Gilda Lyons’s “hush” - Paper
Mayo Concert Hall
Presenter(s): Kaitlyn Canneto
Mentor(s): Wayne Heisler
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Music
Course Number: MUS 391-06
04/26 3:55 pm - 4:15 pm
Using Mathematical Modeling to Investigate Drug Treatment Effects on Cancer Growth - Paper
Bliss 228
Presenter(s): Aahna Rathod
Mentor(s): Jana Gevertz
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 393-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
“Fighting for Their Lives”: COVID-19 Illness Narratives on Network TV News & Social Media - Paper
SSB 225
Presenter(s): Shagun Patel
Mentor(s): Lynn Gazley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 493
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
A Cure for Dependency: Socialism in Post-Neoliberal Latin America - Paper
Bliss 147
Presenter(s): Chris Sotiro
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Alfred Kinsey and the Cultural Impact of his Studies on Human Sexuality - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Matthew Cronin
Mentor(s): Jonathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Black Maternal Health: Racial Disparities in Morbidity and Mortality - Paper
SSB 228
Presenter(s): Bianca Hazel
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Effect of environmental heterogeneity on evolution of multicellularity - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Lakshmi Gurram*, Joseph Bellomia
Mentor(s): Zach Grochau-Wright
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO 495
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Emma’s Nuclear Dilemma - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): Emmanuella Antwi-Buosiako
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Establishing a Virtual Platform for Climate Action and Sustainability at TCNJ - Paper
Bliss 145
Presenter(s): Joyce Vilson*
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
From Cuba With Cane: La Venganza and the Politics of Imperial Imagination in the Hershey Company, 1916-2021 - Paper
SSB 326
Presenter(s): Joshua Riker
Mentor(s): Robert McGreevey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496-03
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Globalization and its Effect on the Caribbean - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Amber Georges
Mentor(s): Brain Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Globalization and Soft Power: The United States’ and China’s Competing Influence - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Jane Kim*
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Infertility among Marginalized Groups - Paper
SSB 103
Presenter(s): Kelly Gomez
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Know Your Issue - Paper
SSB 323
Presenter(s): Aamore Richards
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Painful Desires: Understanding Sula’s Actions Towards Nel in Toni Morrison’s Sula - Paper
SSB 324
Presenter(s): Daïssa Dérémé
Mentor(s): David Blake
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 376-01
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Robert Frost Porcelain Bust Digital Recreation - Paper
Bliss 151
Presenter(s): Alexander Jacobo
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 280-02
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Studying the Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Links Between Cultural and Economic Globalization - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Taylor Young
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-01
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:20 pm
Testing Forward Modeling Analysis with Swift/BAT AGN - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Anthony Ortega
Mentor(s): Lauranne Lanz
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 493
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Bonner Podcast - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Joshua Simpson
Mentor(s): Althia Muse
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Evolution of Attachment Theory - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Julianna Pastore, Julia Ricardo
Mentor(s): Johnathan Hart
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 419-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Evolution of Constantine’s Imperial Image in Panegyric - Paper
SSB 131
Presenter(s): Braeden Aldrich
Mentor(s): Dina Boero
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 498-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Korean Wave: Global Interest in Korean Culture - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Tyler Colombo
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Lack of Reproductive Health Education For Individual With Disabilities - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Chinnu Mathews
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Through the Lens of Italian Cuisine: A Linguistic Study of Language Evolution - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Sarah Riso
Mentor(s): Simona WrightRegina Morin
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: WLC 393
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:20 pm
Trenton Tea Time - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Ravenna Gemignani
Mentor(s): Warren Buckleitner
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Design and Creative Technology
Course Number: IMM 280-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Varieties of Communism: an examination of modern non market economies - Paper
SSB 325
Presenter(s): Zachary Holland
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Political Science
Course Number: POL 498
04/26 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Danielle Nicoletti, Talynn Scott, Courtney Sacco, Gopi Patel, Abigail Parker
Mentor(s): Livia LazzarBrenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406/PBHG706
04/26 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm
Public Health Internship Experiences - Paper
Trenton 123
Presenter(s): Alyssa Hollis, Pooja Abburi, Maria Laquaglia, Alexa Natalicchio , Isabella Ciccone, Alyssa DeSantis
Mentor(s): Brenda Seals
School & Department: School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science; Public Health
Course Number: PBH 406/PBHG706
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
2020 Customer Churn Prediction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Matthew Paramithis
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
A Crusade Against Political Homophobia: The Queer Fight For Rights in Tunisia - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jordan Ekstrom
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 303
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Addressing Accessibility on Social Media for D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Abby Auger
Mentor(s): Judi Cook
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 201
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Against Illusions and Reality: Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Thomas Camilli
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Alexander Polynomial and It’s Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Daniel Simone
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
An Examination of the Four Day Work Week: A Comparative Analysis of its Effects on the Icelandic and Norwegian Economies - Paper
SSB 227
Presenter(s): Jonathan Peters
Mentor(s): Subarna Samanta
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
An In-depth Look at the Cellular Automata Model - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sofia Stepanoff*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
An Iterative Approach to Rapid Prototyping Filament Selection - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Veronica Angiuli
Mentor(s): Brett RatnerManuel Figueroa
School & Department: School of Engineering; Integrative Stem Education
Course Number: ETE 495
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Analysis of the Fisher-Kolmogorov Equation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Maya Williams*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Analyzing Anime Data from Myanimelist Users - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Tushar Warrior
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Arabidopsis thaliana metabolizes indole-3-carbinol to avoid its effects on plant growth - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Maria Mathew
Mentor(s): Melkamu Woldemariam
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: BIO495-07
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Assessing Seismic Hazard in Jamaica - Paper
Bliss 146
Presenter(s): Colin Beyers
Mentor(s): Shannon Graham
School & Department: School of Science; Physics
Course Number: PHY 393
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Base Metal Catalysts for CO2 Functionalization - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Zachary Vazquez*
Mentor(s): Abby O'Connor
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: CHE 493-05
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Bent Out of Shape: Topological Perspectives on Music Theory - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lillian Hoffman
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Can I See Your ID? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Kimberly Jarquin*
Mentor(s): Samuel Kanig
School & Department: School of Science; Chemistry
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Cayley-Dickson Construction - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jenna Glickman
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Continued fractions and tangles - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Daniel Santangelo
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
COVID-19 Vaccination and case forecasting - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sergio Caputo
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Descriptive Study of National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Calls from January 1, 2016, to October 20, 2019 - Paper
Bliss 145
Presenter(s): Harish Rajagopal*
Mentor(s): Joanna Herres
School & Department: School of Science; Biology
Course Number: PSY 492-10
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Differences in Performance Between High and Low Rated Chess Players - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nicholas DiMaggio
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Does privilege awareness affect women’s evaluation of ally men? - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Larissa Boughton*
Mentor(s): Shaun Wiley
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 299
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Duality: Two is Better Than One - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Megan Kubinski
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Effects of social-identity on athletic performance - Paper
SSB 105
Presenter(s): Sameerah Khan*
Mentor(s): Jason Dahling
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 493-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Electroacoustic Amplification Systems - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Nicole Jacoby
Mentor(s): Lynn Smith
School & Department: School of Education; Special Education, Language and Literacy
Course Number: SLP 391
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Ending Occupation and LGBTQ+ Discrimination: The Dual Goals of the Palestinian Queer Community - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Cameron Keating
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 303
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Estamos Listas: The First Gender-Based Activist Movement in Colombia - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Maya Hendl*
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 303-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Euler’s Characteristic with Map Coloring Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Victoria Blankenbiller
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Examining Grief in Contemporary Art from a Global Perspective - Paper
SSB 223
Presenter(s): Ren MacLean*
Mentor(s): Deborah Hutton
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Art and Art History
Course Number: AAH 499
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Feminine Mistake: A Poetry Collection - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Alexia Guzman*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Fetus Health Classification - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Sean Nicklas
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Financial Standings and the Effect on Depression Rates in Kenyan Farmers - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Cally Kerrigan
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Game Theory with Imperfect Information - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Miruna Baciu*
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Game Theory: Zero-Sum Games - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Emma Bobo
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Globalization and Inequality in Latin America - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Alex Frigeri
Mentor(s): Brian Potter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; International Studies
Course Number: POL 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Grades and Contributing Factors - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lauren McLaughlin
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Group Poetry Reading - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Thomas Camilli, Vanessa Seidner, Brett Moran, Aidan Corson, Michael Pedowitz, Molly Coello
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Health Access for Women in Prison - Paper
SSB 230
Presenter(s): Ariana Rolon
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Hopf Bifurcation and Its Applications to Population Dynamics - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Melissa Asaro
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
In Their Socks: Virtual Reality’s Role in Improving Patient Care & Increasing Staff Empathy at Mental Health Hospitals - Paper
SSB 130
Presenter(s): Laila Isfahan, Ann-Kerry Donaus, Diana Rackowski
Mentor(s): Yifeng Hu
School & Department: School of the Arts and Communication; Communication Studies
Course Number: COM 345 New Media and Health Communication
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Incarceration Based Educational Programming: A Way Forward - Paper
Bliss 152
Presenter(s): Lauren Wright
Mentor(s): Margaret Leigey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Criminology
Course Number: CRI 202-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Incorporating Multicultural STEM Books for Children - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Yasmín Ruiz, Julissa Feliz
Mentor(s): Destiny De La Rosa
School & Department: School of Education; Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Course Number: Bonner Program
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Infant Mortality in the United States - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jenna Smith
Mentor(s): Michael OchsMichael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Influence of goal orientations on strategy selection in German vocabulary learning - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): David Cohn
Mentor(s): Lisa Grimm
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-09
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Introductory Study of The Black-Scholes Equation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Rebecca Martino
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency - Paper
Bliss 148
Presenter(s): Brookelynn Sullivan
Mentor(s): Robert McGreevey
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; History
Course Number: HIS 496
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Aidan Jodoin
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Linear Programming and Economic Optimization - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Kayleigh Soucy
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms and Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Santiago Cardenas
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Mathematical Finance – Arbitrage - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jason Singleton
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem: Analysis and Algorithms - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Roseann Pereira
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Metropark and Edison/Woodbridge Township Integration Project - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Louis Truppa, Bryce Totten, Daniel Comeau, Jospeh Cruciata
Mentor(s): Thomas BrennanVedrana Krstic
School & Department: School of Engineering; Civil Engineering
Course Number: CIV 496-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Misinformation and Ineffectiveness of Abstinence-Only Based Education - Paper
SSB 228
Presenter(s): Tulasi Dooley
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Molly Coello: Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Molly Coello*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Nano-CT Image Processing and Micromechanical Modeling of Intermuscular Bone - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Lara Abdelmohsen*
Mentor(s): Anthony Lau
School & Department: School of Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Course Number: MUSE Program 2021
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Natures Affect on Mental Health - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Angela Pieros
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Network Flow Optimization and Solution Methods - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Lauren Bell
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Non-Profit Poster - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Carley O'Rourke, Gillian Pine, Lexi Perreault
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Nonprofit - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Ginny Nason, Ginny Nason, Kaitlyn Crerand
Mentor(s): Elizabeth Borland
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology
Course Number: SOC 317-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Nutrional Intake and Cardiovasular Health in the US - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Jason Andriopoulos
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Order - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Stevie Voss
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Organic Thin Film Transistor Device Dimension Simulation Analysis - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Shwetha Raju
Mentor(s): Wudyalew Wondmagegn
School & Department: School of Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Number: N/A
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Orthographic considerations in the Japanese Language classroom - Paper
SSB 321
Presenter(s): Christopher Mitchell*
Mentor(s): Holly Didi-Ogren
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; World Languages and Cultures
Course Number: WLC393
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Platonic Solids – The Five Regular Polyhedra - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): John Raisley
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Aidan Corson*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CRW 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Poems - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): AJ Viola*
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Science; Computer Science
Course Number: CWR 304-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Poetry Reading - Other
Mayo Hall Screening Room
Presenter(s): Stevie Voss, AJ Viola
Mentor(s): Catie Rosemurgy
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: CWR 304 Poetry Workshop
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Police Use of Lethal Force and the Murder Clearance Rate: Assessing the Importance of Police-Community Cooperation - Paper
BUS 123
Presenter(s): April Kibalo
Mentor(s): Donald VandegriftDonald Vandegrift
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Prison Abolition Movement - Paper
SSB 131
Presenter(s): Rayhanah Ahmed, Francis Adriatico
Mentor(s): Michele Tarter
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: FYS 162-05
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Quaternions and the Special Unitary Group - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): John Mahoney*
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Returns to Education Between Generations of Immigrants - Paper
BUS 105
Presenter(s): Sofia Ebio*
Mentor(s): Michele Naples
School & Department: School of Business; Economics
Course Number: ECO 495-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Roles of Women in Shakespeare: An Analysis of Maria - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Soorin Kim
Mentor(s): Jean Graham
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English
Course Number: LIT 251-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Romantic Narratives about Stress & Strategies Dealing with Covid-19 - Poster
BSC 100
Presenter(s): Jessica O'dell
Mentor(s): Candice Feiring
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Self-Objectification and Menstrual Health - Paper
SSB 206
Presenter(s): Emma Taff*
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 492-01
Bonner Scholar: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Senior Capstone in WGSS: Intersectional Studies of Education and Careers II. - Paper
Bliss 229
Presenter(s): Destinee Stone, Giavanna Dziesiuta
Mentor(s): Janet Gray
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Course Number: WGS 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Singular Value Decomposition and Applications - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): John Phelan
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:05 am
Social Pressures & Women’s Health During Pregnancy - Paper
SSB 102
Presenter(s): Grace Boriotti
Mentor(s): Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris
School & Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
Course Number: PSY 470-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Solving Diophantine Equations with Continued Fractions - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Gregory Yezhov
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Solving Optimization Problems Using the Lagrangian - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Meagan Macalintal
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Statistical Analysis of COVID-19’s Impact on Hospital Capacity - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Nandini Mutyala*
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
Honors Student: Yes
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Statistical Modeling and Analysis of College Retention - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Tara Staines
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Statistics Behind Your Financial Well-Being - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Yukyeong Park*
Mentor(s): Michael Ochs
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: STA 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Stellation - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Analia Acosta
Mentor(s): Cynthia Curtis
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-01
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Subgradient Method - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Anthony Rondos
Mentor(s): Mathew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Superreplication in Financial Assets - Poster
Rec Center
Presenter(s): Matthew Delaney
Mentor(s): Matthew Mizuhara
School & Department: School of Science; Mathematics and Statistics
Course Number: MAT 498-02
04/26 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Supporting New Jersey Immigrants: An Analysis of the Nonprofit Capacity to Provide Immigrants Services - Poster